
About Fanap

History of Fanap

Established in 2005 with backing from the Pasargad Financial Group, Fanap is a leading information and communication technology (ICT) holding company based in Tehran, Iran.

The company's initial mission was to design and develop innovative banking solutions, enabling Bank Pasargad to pioneer digital banking services in the country. Building on this foundation, Fanap has since expanded its fintech offerings, creating customized digital products and services for leading banks, financial institutions, insurance providers, and the stock market.

Today, Fanap's expertise extends far beyond the financial sector. The company provides diverse technological solutions across multiple industries, including cloud computing, 5G telecommunications, Artificial Intelligence, social commerce, Internet of Things, and industrial digital transformation.

With almost two decades of innovation and a team of over 6,000 experts, Fanap is well-positioned to realize its vision of becoming one of the top 10 tech companies in the Middle East. The company's unwavering commitment to technological advancement and digital transformation has solidified its reputation as a trailblazer in Iran's rapidly evolving ICT landscape.

Mission Statement

Fanap’s vision is to be “The Platform for Creating the Future” through:

Fostering an inclusive environment, empowering all the players of the digital ecosystem
Providing infrastructures, solutions and tools for brighter futures
Cultivating an ecosystem mindset, and actively collaborating with players of digital ecosystem
Celebrating constructive competitive environment, expecting more created value for all
Leveraging the network effect and crafting complicated business models


Fanap's digital ecosystem is built upon a foundation of constructive collaboration with other entities within the Pasargad Financial Group, as well as key players across Iran's broader digital landscape. Backed by a talented and committed human capital, Fanap is dedicated to continuously developing cutting-edge technologies and driving innovation as a strategic lever for creating value for its business and customers.

Fanap's vision for the year 1404



Macro strategies

To be amongst the top 10 IC/ICT players across the Middle East
Raising the company’s economic value up to 1% of the GDP of Iran
Creating job directly for 10000 people and indirectly for 100000 people


Introduction of members
Board of directors

دکتر شهاب جوانمردی

مدیرعامل هلدینگ فناپ